women's retreats

Body, Mind and Spirit Conference

Staci will be leading worship at the Body, Mind and Spirit Women’s Conference on April 27, 2019 at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, CA. Inspiring speakers, luncheon, boutique and more will make this a soul-nourishing getaway in the beautiful Santa Cruz area.

Same day registration and check-in available HERE


Two Flourish Events with Staci Frenes This Spring

For those of you who feel compelled to create--not just for others but for the sake of your own heart-health, I'm excited to be doing two Flourish retreats this Spring for women (sorry, fellas!)

March 17- 19 and April 21-23

Both are in the Nor Cal area, and both still have openings. For registration info go to my SCHEDULE PAGE and click on your preferred date/venue for details. I'd love to see you there! 

"Flourish events and retreats are designed to inspire and nurture creativity!" -Staci Frenes 

"Flourish events and retreats are designed to inspire and nurture creativity!" -Staci Frenes